nmcz@nmcz.org.zm +260 211 221284

Human Capital and Administration Department


The Human Capital and Administration department of the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Zambia (NMCZ) is responsible for managing human capital and administrative functions in order to facilitate efficient and effectiveness of operations for the Council. The department is headed by the Director Human Capital and Administration and it is divided into five (5) units; human capital management unit, information technology unit, research and information unit, purchasing and supplies unit, public relations unit.

To manage the provision of human resource management and administration, logistical support functions in order to facilitate efficient and effective operations of the council.

Departmental Structure

Finance department


  1. Management and development of human resource in order to enhance productivity and optimal utilization
  2. Provide administrative, security and other logistics in order to facilitate efficient and effective operations
  3. Management of records in order to ensure ease access and retrieval
  4. Preparation of payroll inputs in order to facilitate payment of salaries and establishment control
  5. Implement Industrial Relations Policy in order to achieve industrial harmony in the Council
  6. Maintain Discipline and coordinate grievance handling
  7. Managing effectively provision of public relations functions in order to promote the positive image of the council
  8. Performance of effective secretariat service of the Council’s Finance, IT, Audit Committees and the Board in order to facilitate deliberations and decision making
  9. Operationalise the disciplinary committee in order to create awareness on the dangers and effect of an unethical conduct
  10. Coordinates effectively the implementation of performance management systems in order to facilitate improvement of performance and sustain it
  11. Establish the high-risk areas and implement appropriate intervention measures to mitigate the risk.

Our Services

  • Policy Development
  • Strategic Planning
  • Organisational Development
  • Recruitment and Talent Identification
  • Placement/Onboarding
  • Training AND Development
  • Managing Separation
  • Annual Reports
  • Infrastructure Development and Maintenance
  • Information Communication Technology

Key Contact Persons

For any clarifications on services contact: